Paris Arbitration Week (PAW) | 6-10 July 2020
By reason of the pandemic, PAW will be held online for the first time ever.
Laborde Law is hosting two online events.
In the first, on Wednesday, 8 July 2020, a panel will discuss the latest arbitral developments in the Americas.
The second, on Friday, 10 July 2020, will feature a two-panel series on arbitration reform. The first panel will revisit the issue of unilateral party appointments and consider the possible creation of a multilateral investment court. The second panel will debate about the reform of arbitration rules and practices at leading arbitral institutions.
17h30 -19h30 (Paris time, GMT +2)
Speakers: ​
Fabiane Verçosa, Carvalho Machado e Timm Advogados
Pierre-Olivier Savoie, Savoie Arbitration
Alejandro García, Clyde & Co
Gabriel Bottini, Uría Menéndez
"Arbitration Reform I: Unilateral Party Appointment & the Investment Court Project"
14h-16h (Paris time, GMT +2)
Speakers: ​
Jan Paulsson, Three Crowns
Nigel Blackaby QC, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
Salim Moollan QC, Essex Court Chambers
María Beatriz Burghetto, Independent arbitrator
"Arbitration Reform II: Modernising Institutional Rules and Practices"
16h30-18h (Paris time, GMT +2)
Speakers: ​​
Jackie van Haersolte-van Hof, Director General of the LCIA
Gonzalo Flores, Deputy Secretary-General of ICSID
Kevin Nash, Deputy Registrar and Centre Director of SIAC
Dipna Gunnoo, Head of the Mauritius Arbitration and Mediation Centre (MARC)

Scroll down below for the details of the webinars.
For any questions, please email Mr Sio Keong Ng:
First Event
Wednesday, 8 July 2020: "Arbitration in the Americas" | 17h30-19h30 (Paris time, GMT +2)
This panel will debate recent arbitral developments in some major arbitral jurisdictions in the Americas: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Mexico and Uruguay. The debate will cover some of the most prominent arbitration matters pending before the highest courts in those countries. In addition, the investment arbitration provisions of the new NAFTA treaty will also be discussed.
Fabiane Verçosa, Carvalho Machado e Timm Advogados
Pierre-Olivier Savoie, Savoie Arbitration
Alejandro García, Clyde & Co
Gabriel Bottini, Uría Menéndez
Gustavo Laborde, Laborde Law
Second Event
I. Friday, 10 July 2020: "Arbitration Reform I: Unilateral Party Appointment & the Investment Court Project"
14h-16h (Paris time)
This is the first of a two-panel series on reform in international arbitration.
This panel will be divided into two segments. The first segment will revisit the debate on the unilateral appointment of arbitrators. Is this practice compatible with the duty of impartiality? What is the role of party-appointed arbitrators? Is there a consensus as to what that role is? Or is there a divide between theory and practice? The debate will cover recent developments in this area, including research into unconscious bias, rules on blind appointment, and recent surveys on the matter. The second segment will discuss the UNCITRAL project to overhaul the system of investor-State arbitration by creating a multilateral investment court. Why did this project come into being? Is there a connection between the problem of party appointment and the investment court project? Does the project go too far? Or perhaps not far enough? What are the options under consideration and the possible outcomes?
Join some of the world's finest arbitration practitioners on a debate about defining arbitral issues of our time.
Jan Paulsson, Three Crowns
Nigel Blackaby QC, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
Salim Moollan QC, Essex Court Chambers
María Beatriz Burghetto, Independent arbitrator
Gustavo Laborde, Laborde Law
II. Friday, 10 July 2020: "Arbitration Reform II: Modernising Institutional Rules and Practices"
16h30-18h (Paris time, GMT +2)
This is the second of a two-panel series on reform in international arbitration.
This panel will bring about a unique opportunity for inter-institutional dialogue and debate among leading arbitral institutions.
The discussion will be divided into two segments. The first segment will discuss the recent or ongoing projects of these institutions to reform their institutional rules and practices. What are the key aspects of these reforms? And how are these reforms adopted? How does the process ensure that all relevant stakeholders have a say in the reform? The second segment will address issues common to all four institutions: the unilateral party appointment of arbitrators. How common does this practice remain in institutional arbitration? Does this practice create tensions with the duty of impartiality? If so, are there credible alternatives? What about blind appointments?
Jackie van Haersolte-van Hof, Director General of the LCIA
Gonzalo Flores, Deputy Secretary-General of ICSID
Kevin Nash, Deputy Registrar and Centre Director of SIAC
Dipna Gunnoo, Head of the Mauritius Arbitration and Mediation Centre (MARC)
Gustavo Laborde, Laborde Law